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Cepheus Engine ship combat card

Through fifty-six sessions of a Traveller campaign (specifically, a Cepheus-Engine-leaning-back-toward-classic- Traveller campaign), there's been relatively little ship combat. (Admittedly, there hasn't been a lot of personal combat either; a few sessions back, one player who's been there from the beginning made her first attack roll of the campaign. But it's an open table and her character had missed a number of previous violent altercations.) The rareness of ship-to-ship combat no doubt arises from the nature of our campaign — it centres on the crew of a 200-ton far trader — and the generally cautious choices of the players. In Traveller , which takes many cues from the Age of Sail, it's pretty easy to size up an enemy spacecraft from a distance: there's literally nowhere to hide in space. If it's bigger than yours, it probably has more guns, and your best option is to flee. There's no place for absurd D&Disms like PCs thinking, "Well, I'

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