- Aranath, Elf Queen, ruler of the kingdom of Evael
- Iocaste, ambassador from the king of Melderyn to Evael
- The Operator, ancient creature who remembers the primordial age of conflict between Dragons and Giants
- Cyrkanosh, headwoman of the Deep Gnome enclave of Djebel
- Reidoth the druid
- Sister Garaele, cleric at the shrine in the now-destroyed hamlet of Phandalin
Sildar Hallwinter, knight of the Laranian fighting order of the Lady of Paladins
Quellene, Halfling peasant from the now-destroyed hamlet of Phandalin
Mhu, Deep Gnome scout from Djebel
Gundren Rockseeker, Dwarf merchant and kinsman of Klor
Nicchidor, agent of the Green Dragon Venomfang
Baba Yaga, interdimensional traveler
Elvanna, Ice Queen and daughter of Baba Yaga
Malevix, father of Dracul. Vampire.
Ulassa, an awakened tree
King Miginath, ruler of Kaldor
Earl Caldeth of Minarsas
Astraia of Byria