Ishgadona sells magic mushrooms


Ishgadona dwells in a large mound or hummock in a mist-shrouded swamp in the wilderness northeast of the kingdom of Kaldor. She and her sisters, Bokruga and Quonga, refer to themselves as "the ladies", but the local tribesfolk call them witches. Bokruga, a lover of animals, befriends and commands the creatures of the swamp. Quonga grows mushrooms deep within the mound. And Ishgadona profits from the labour of both by using talking crows to advertise her wares: magic mushrooms. When visitors enter the swamp, the crows announce the presence of intruders and shortly thereafter Ishgadona teleports from within the mound with an audible 'pop', arriving within 20 feet of the newcomers, beginning her sales spiel with irrepressible enthusiasm and verve. If met with aggression, she teleports away; if prevented from doing so, 2d4 giant toads and 2d4 giant rats will arrive within 1d3 rounds to aid her. Crows will alert her sisters, who will arrive in 1d3 rounds to do the same. They are powerful magic-users.

At any given time Ishgadona typically has two or three dozen magical mushrooms available for purchase. There are seven varieties. She charges 50 gold pieces for a single mushroom and is willing to contemplate volume deals for large purchases. As an honest merchant, she warns buyers of the possibility of side effects, which she tends to downplay ever so slightly.


Might of the Bear shroom: increases STR by 1d4 points for 1d4 turns.

Quick as a Cat shroom: increases DEX by 1d4 points for 1d4 turns.

Eagle-eye vision shroom: you can see objects up to a mile away as if they were next to you. Lasts 12 turns.

Owlsight shroom: gain infravision within a 60-foot radius. Lasts 12 turns.

Berserker shroom: gain +2 bonus to hit with melee weapons and -1 penalty to (i.e., worsened) AC for 1d4 turns.

Casanova shroom: +2 CHA and +2 bonus to reaction rolls for 1d4 turns

Healing shroom: recover 1d4 hp.

The whole mushroom must be consumed to gain these benefits.

ALSO: each time you consume a shroom, roll on the table below to determine what side effect may occur. The side effect manifests as soon as the mushroom is consumed and has the same duration as any beneficial effect.

1. Loud, noisome flatulence.

2. Waves of disorientation: always act last each round during combat.

3. Bothersome rash: -1 penalty to delicate tasks requiring concentration.

4. Bad breath: -3 to CHA checks and most reaction rolls.

5. Ringing in the ears: -1 penalty to Hear Noise.

6. No side effect.
